Archive | Heat and cold

Heat and cold

Heat and cold

During a period of inactivity and in a state of good health, the human body usually has a temperature of 36 °C (equal to 97 °F).
However, the perceived temperature largely depends on the heat exchange between the body and the environment.
When our body senses a higher temperature than 27-28 °C (equal to 81-83 °F), we feel hot. When it senses a temperature below 27-28 ° C, we feel cold.

But, technically, how does our body feel hot and cold?

The difference in temperature between the human body and the environment is primarily appreciated by the skin. Among the many receptors of this sensory organ there are the so-called “thermoreceptors”, which transmit temperature information to the central nervous system.
The Krause corpuscles transmit sensations of cold, while Ruffini’s corpuscles transmit sensations of heat.

Then, can heat and cold be considered as sensations?

Heat and cold do are sensations and, as such, are influenced by the rate of heat transfer between the body and the environment.
The sensation of heat that our body can sense at an external temperature of 20 °C (equal to 68 °F) is greater in a state of rest, rather than in a windy environment. This is due to the contact of the air with our skin.
Similarly, at an external temperature of 10 °C (equal to 50 °F), as the atmospheric humidity increases, the sensation of cold that our body can sense becomes stronger. Water moisture has, in fact, a high heat capacity.

Then, why do damp summers seem to be hotter than dry summers?

At high temperatures, the water contained by the atmospheric moisture transfer a higher quantity of heat. Furthermore, it limits the evaporation of sweat and its cooling effect on the body.

How does Hot&Fresh act on the sensations of heat and cold perceived by our body?

To reduce the sensations of heat and cold, Hot&Fresh has patented some compositions that locally stimulate skin thermoreceptors to trigger physiological responses to heat and cold. These compositions are totally natural and eco-friendly.
Contained by cooling or heating membranes, Hot&Fresh compositions can be applied to foot supports, such as orthotics and insoles, as well as to cervical collars, back wraps, belts, sweatbands, headbands and the like.
To learn more, visit the pages Hot&Fresh Rinfrescante and Hot&Fresh Riscaldante.

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